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List of branch sites



Retrieves a list of all branch sites along with their details.


Header Parameters

    X-PANW-Region stringrequired

    Region mapping for the tenant.

    Prisma-Tenant string

    TSG ID


    compute_location string

    Compute Location

    edge_location_display_name string

    Name of PA location

    geoip_destination string

    Geo IP of the destination

    instance_state number

    Possible values: [0, 1, 2]

    Instance state

    site_name string

    Name of the site

    site_state number

    Possible values: [0, 1, 2]

    State of the site



    avg_throughput number

    Average throughput

    bgp_all_tunnels number

    Count of BGP tunnels

    bgp_site_state number

    BGP Site State

    bgp_site_state_name string

    BGP Site State Name

    bgp_up_tunnels number

    Count of Up Tunnels

    compute_location string

    Compute Location

    destination_ip string

    Destination IP

    destination_ip_string string

    Destination IP

    edge_location_display_name string

    PA Location

    instance_state number

    Instance State

    instance_state_name string

    Instance State Name

    median_throughput number

    Median throughput

    node_type integer

    Node Type

    peak_throughput number

    Peak throughput

    site_aggregate_capacity number

    Site Aggregate Capacity

    site_all_tunnels number

    Count of tunnels

    site_capacity number

    Site Capacity

    site_city string

    Site City

    site_connection_duration number

    Site Connection Duration

    site_country string

    Site Country

    site_disconnection number

    Site Disconnection

    site_location string

    Site Location

    site_location_string string

    Site Location String

    site_name string

    Site name

    site_state number

    Site State

    site_state_name string

    Site State Name

    site_type string

    Site type

    site_up_tunnels number

    Count of Up Tunnels

    source_ip string

    Source IP

    source_ip_string string

    Source IP
